In 2001 portable cleanroom foggers were introduced using LN2 and DI Water for smoke studies. The AP35, AP50, AP100 and AP150 are the latest ultrapure cleanroom foggers; which includes adjustable airflow control, adjustable fog volume, wireless remote control and 12 effective accessories. Clean room foggers support smoke studies for airflow visualization and characterization of clean rooms, medical rooms, ISO suites, sterile rooms, barrier isolators, glove boxes, airflow hoods and fume hoods. Cleanroom ultrapure fogger, LN2 fogger, cleanroom fogger, portable fogger, DI water fogger and Glycol foggers, are also called smoke machines or smoke generators, and are used in smoke studies and air flow visualization characterization of clean rooms, ISO suites, sterile rooms, BSC, Barrier Isolators, fume hoods, airflow hoods, bio safety cabinets, glove boxes, ISO Suites, etc. The portable fogger is available for smoke studies in clean rooms, ISO suites, barrier Isolators, glove boxes and sterile rooms. Please review performance comparison below and click on product links in chart on left. Call Applied Metrology LLC at 720-635-3931

Smoke Studies, Cleanroom Fogger Comparisons

Fogger Model Number Enclosure Material Fog Application Fog Volume Minute Duration in Minutes Visible Distance Appx. Fog Volume Fog Outlets Velocity Control Volume Control Accessories
Polyethylene Enclosure, Push Button Control, Large Red LED displays, Water Level Interlocks, Wireless capable
2×4 Airflow Hoods & Fume Hoods
≈ 0.5 M³ / Min.
≈ 45 Min., Pure Fog
≈ 6-7 Feet visual distance w/ 1 80mm Fog Hose + 1 0.6M Fog Rake
≈ 22.5 M³
One 80mm Fog Outlet
Wireless Control, 350mm Nozzle, 0.6mx80mm fog wand, 1.2mx80mm Fog Wand, 0.6Mx50mm Fog Wand, 1.2Mx50mm fog wand, 80mmx3M Fog Hose, 3Mx50mm Fog Hose, T Adaptor, Y Adaptor, etc., 4 Color LED Fog Light, Video Camera
316 Stainless Steel Design, Touch Pad Control, small White LED Display
2×6 Airflow Hoods, Gloveboxes, BSCs
≈ 0.7 M³ / Min.
≈ 45 Min., Pure Fog
≈ 7-8 Feet visual distance w/ 1 80mm Fog Hose + 1 0.6M Fog Rake
≈ 32 M³
One 80mm Fog Outlet
350mm Nozzle, 0.6mx80mm fog wand, 1.2mx80mm Fog Wand, 0.6Mx50mm Fog Wand, 1.2Mx50mm fog wand, 5Mx80mm Fog Hose, 5Mx50mm Fog Hose, T Adaptor, Y Adaptor, Video Camera
316 Stainless Steel Design, Touch Pad Control, small White LED Display
2×8 Airflow Hoods, Gloveboxes, BSCs
≈ 0.83 M³ / Min.
≈ 45 Min., Pure Fog
≈ 8-9 Feet visual distance w/ 1 Y Adaptor + 2 80mm Fog Hoses + 2 0.6M Fog Rakes
≈ 37 M³
One 80mm Fog Outlet
350mm Nozzle, 0.6mx80mm fog wand, 1.2mx80mm Fog Wand, 0.6Mx50mm Fog Wand, 1.2Mx50mm fog wand, 5Mx80mm Fog Hose, 5Mx50mm Fog Hose, T Adaptor, Y Adaptor, Video Camera
316 Stainless Steel Design, Touch Pad Control, small White LED Display
2×10 Airflow Hoods, BSC & Small Barrier Isolators, Medium Glovebox
≈ 1 M³ / Min.
≈ 45 Minutes Typical Operation Time w/ Pure Fog
≈ 10-11 Feet visual distance w/ 1 Y Adaptor + 2 80mm Fog Hoses + 2 0.6M Fog Rakes
≈ 45 M³
One 80mm Fog Outlet
350mm Nozzle, 0.6mx80mm fog wand, 1.2mx80mm Fog Wand, 0.6Mx50mm Fog Wand, 1.2Mx50mm fog wand, 5Mx80mm Fog Hose, 5Mx50mm Fog Hose, T Adaptor, Y Adaptor, Video Camera
316 Stainless Steel Design, Touch Pad Control, small White LED Display
2×10 Airflow Hoods, BSC & Small Barrier Isolators, Medium Glovebox
≈ 1.4 M³ / Min.
≈ 45 Minutes Typical Operation Time w/ Pure Fog
≈ 11-12 Feet visual distance w/ 2 Y Adaptors + 4 50mm Fog Hoses + 4 1.2M x 50mm Fog Rakes
≈ 63 M³
One 80mm Fog Outlet
350mm Nozzle, 0.6mx80mm fog wand, 1.2mx80mm Fog Wand, 0.6Mx50mm Fog Wand, 1.2Mx50mm fog wand, 5Mx80mm Fog Hose, 5Mx50mm Fog Hose, T Adaptor, Y Adaptor, Video Camera
316 Stainless Steel Design, Touch Pad Control, small White LED Display
2×12 Airflow Hoods, BSC & Small Barrier Isolators, Medium Glovebox
≈ 2.0 M³ / Min.
≈ 35 Minutes Typical Operation Time w/ Pure Fog
≈ 13-15 Feet visual distance w/ 2 Y Adaptors + 4 50mm Fog Hoses + 4 1.2M x 50mm Fog Rakes
≈ 70 M³
Two 80mm Fog Outlets
350mm Nozzle, 0.6mx80mm fog wand, 1.2mx80mm Fog Wand, 0.6Mx50mm Fog Wand, 1.2Mx50mm fog wand, 5Mx80mm Fog Hose, 5Mx50mm Fog Hose, T Adaptor, Y Adaptor, Video Camera
M2001 / M2100 *** LN2 Ultrapure Fogger, Carry by Hand using Handles
316 Stainless
BSC & Barrier Isolator
≈ 1.5 M³ / Min.
≈ 35 Minutes Typical Operation Time w/ Ultrapure Fog
≈ 7-10 Ft. Feet Visual Distance w/ 1 fog rake
≈ 52.5 M³
One 60mm Outlet
316 Stainless Steel Design, 35 L LN2 Dewar, 11.5 L Water Cavity w/ Dual Water Heater, Small White LED Display, Touchpad Control
Small Cleanroom, Small ISO Suites, Medium Barrier Isolators, Glove Boxes
≈ 5 M³ / Min.
≈ 45 Minutes Typical Operation Time w/ Ultrapure Fog
≈ 10-15 Feet visual distance w/ 1 Y Adaptor + 2 80mm Fog Hoses + 2 1.2 M Fog Rakes
≈ 225 M³
One 80mm Fog Outlet
350mm Nozzle, 0.6mx80mm fog wand, 1.2mx80mm Fog Wand, 0.6Mx50mm Fog Wand, 1.2Mx50mm fog wand, 5Mx80mm Fog Hose, 5Mx50mm Fog Hose, T Adaptor, Y Adaptor, Video Camera
316 Stainless Steel Design, 50 L LN2 Dewar, 13.5 L Water Cavity w/ Dual Water Heater, Small White LED Display, Touchpad Control
Small Cleanroom, Small ISO Suites, Medium Barrier Isolators, Glove Boxes
≈ 8 M³ / Min.
≈ 60 Minutes Typical Operation Time w/ Ultrapure Fog
≈ 15-18 Feet visual distance w/ 2 Y Adaptors + 4 50mm Fog Hoses + 4 1.2 M x 50mm Fog Rakes
≈ 480 M³
One 80mm
350mm Nozzle, 0.6mx80mm fog wand, 1.2mx80mm Fog Wand, 0.6Mx50mm Fog Wand, 1.2Mx50mm fog wand, 5Mx80mm Fog Hose, 5Mx50mm Fog Hose, T Adaptor, Y Adaptor, Video Camera
316 Stainless Steel Design, 100 L LN2 Dewar, 13.5 L Water Cavity w/ Dual Water Heater, Small White LED Display, Touchpad Control
Medium Cleanrooms, Medium ISO Suites, Medium Barrier Isolators, Large Glove Boxes and BSCs
≈ 16 M³ / Min.
≈ 80 Minutes Typical Operation Time w/ Ultrapure Fog
≈ 18-21 Feet visual distance w/ 2 Y Adaptors + 4 50mm Fog Hoses + 4 1.2 M x 50mm Fog Rakes
≈ 1280 M³
Two 80mm Fog Outlets
350mm Nozzle, 0.6mx80mm fog wand, 1.2mx80mm Fog Wand, 0.6Mx50mm Fog Wand, 1.2Mx50mm fog wand, 5Mx80mm Fog Hose, 5Mx50mm Fog Hose, T Adaptor, Y Adaptor, Video Camera
316 Stainless Steel Design, 150 L LN2 Dewar, 13.5 L Water Cavity w/ Dual Water Heater, Small White LED Display, Touchpad Control
Large Cleanrooms, Large ISO Suites, Large Barrier Isolators, Glove Boxes and BSCs
≈ 24 M³ / Min.
≈ 120 Minutes Typical Operation Time w/ Ultrapure Fog
≈ 22-25 Feet visual distance w/ 3 Y Adaptors + 6 50mm Fog Hoses + 6 1.2 M x 50mm Fog Rakes
≈ 2880 M³
Three 80mm Fog Outlets
350mm Nozzle, 0.6mx80mm fog wand, 1.2mx80mm Fog Wand, 0.6Mx50mm Fog Wand, 1.2Mx50mm fog wand, 5Mx80mm Fog Hose, 5Mx50mm Fog Hose, T Adaptor, Y Adaptor, Video Camera
* Cleanroom Fogger in Smoke Studies uses De-Ionized Water, Water for Injection or Sterile Water
** Ultrapure LN2 Cleanroom Fogger in Smoke Studies uses LN2 + De-Ionized Water, Water for Injection or Sterile Water
*** Competitive LN2 Fogger

Liquid Nitrogen foggers are quite effective in producing a visible fog to visualize airflow patterns, airflow uniformity. Also referred to as an LN2 fogger and ultrapure fogger, these foggers came into use in the early 2000 time frame in smoke studies, replacing smoke sticks and CO2 fog pots. Smoke sticks, by definition, produce a smoke, which is chemical/heat induced smoke composed of particulate smoke. In modern ISO Suites and Cleanrooms, smoke sticks would be banned by most Metrology Engineers in 2025. CO2 fog is produced by producing CO2 ice, and dropping it into a warm water bath, allowing the CO2 to evaporate and combine with water vapor to form a dense fog. Yet a CO2 fog, although rather simple to produce, does not allow for volume control or velocity control, as do more recent fogger technology. 

Since 2015, more useful fogger technology has been put into use, referred to as DI Water Foggers, Portable foggers and ultrapure cleanroom foggers. The more recent fogger technology incorporates fog volume control, velocity control of the fog output and wireless remote control, all which are important control elements to evaluate the airflow performance in a smoke study.

Of these different foggers, the LN2 foggers produce the most fog density and fog volume for smoke studies; while ultrasonic foggers produce the less fog, they are easier to operate and set up for operation in a smoke study. The four ultrapure LN2 foggers compared above are the AP35, AP50, AP100 and AP150. Each of these foggers operate the same with velocity control, water temperature control and fog volume control; the only difference being the volume of the LN2 Dewar at 35 L, 50 L, 100 L or 150 liters.

For discussion, we will refer to the AP35 LN2 ultrapure fogger, which produces about 5 cubic meters ultrapure fog per minute, and includes a rolling trolley for easy movement around a clean room or ISO Suite. It uses 11.5 liters water and 35 liters LN2 to produce fog over a typical 45 minute fog cycle. The AP35 provides adjustable fog volume, adjustable fog velocity, and it also includes an optional wireless remote control Key FOB. The AP35 produces an ultrapure fog at about 2-3 micron fog droplet diameter with very high fog density, where as the typical ultrasonic fogger produces larger fog droplets from 5 to 8 microns but at much lower fog density. The AP35 Ultrapure Fogger can visualize airflow turbulence and balance airflow between rooms. The Ultrapure fog is generated by heating water to form water vapor, and then allowing nitrogen vapor to combine with the water vapor to form a very dense fog at much smaller droplet diameters.  Water vapor combined with Nitrogen vapor forms a 2-3 micron diameter fog vapor droplet. LN2 readily boils at room temperatures, producing high volume of nitrogen vapor. The older LN2 foggers of 2001 vintage had no adjustable controls, which is why the older foggers are being replaced with newer LN2 fogger technology with adjustable controls, making the AP35, AP50, AP100 and AP150 very effective tools in smoke studies in ISO Suites and clean rooms.

The chart above compares the foggers used today in smoke studies around the world. The SMST-12 is the lower cost, entry level fogger, and used in small volumetric smoke studies such as 2×4′ airflow hoods and in fume hood airflow studies. As you go down the table, each fogger shows performance attributes, which help metrology engineers and airflow technicians identify the fogger that best supports their smoke study requirements.

The ultrasonic fogger with the highest fog volume per minute is the AFM40 Cleanroom Fogger, also marketed as the CRF6 Cleanroom Fogger. It is a very effective portable fogger, quick to set up for a smoke study and has two 80mm fog outlets so that a maximum amount of pure fog is emitted for a typical smoke study in a barrier isolator or small ISO Suite airflow visualization test.  The AP35 is the next step up if fog volume, fog density and fog purity, followed by the AP50, AP100 and AP150. All of the AP series Ultrapure Foggers use DI (de-ionized) water, WFI (water for injection) or sterile water; and also uses LN2 to produce an ultrapure fog. The AP35 uses 35 liters LN2, the AP50 uses 50 liters LN2, AP100 uses 100 liters of LN2, while the AP150 uses 150 liters of LN2. Each of these foggers provide a Control Unit, that includes a 13.5 liter water cavity, combined with water temperature control and fog velocity control and fog volume control.

The higher the fog density, the more visual fog distance is provided, and our AP35 provides 2 times more fog density than our best CRF6 Cleanroom Fogger. Our ultrapure foggers produce the highest fog volumes with the most fog purity, combined with useful accessories to conduct smoke studies in your clean rooms and ISO suites. The AP100 LN2 Ultrapure Fogger produces 16 cubic meters a minute of ultrapure fog and provides two 5M x 80mm fog outlets, while the AP150 provides up to 24 cubic meters of ultrapure fog per minute and offers three 80mm fog outlets. hose outputs. Our LN2 foggers are designed for high volume, ultrapure fog with controllable fog output and 12 different accessories for use in a smoke study.

Some companies and engineers do not want to use LN2, or do not have access to LN2. If you do not want to use LN2, but want high volume fog, consider the CRF6 Cleanroom Fogger, also marketed as the AFM40 Cleanroom Fogger. The CRF6 and AFM40 provides about 2 cubic meters of pure fog per minute for about35-40 minutes through two 80mm fog outlets, providing 13-15 feet of visual airflow using the appropriate fog wands and 80mm hoses. It provides an adjustable fog volume and airflow velocity, touch pad control and wireless remote control. Alternatively, we provide our SMST-12 Smoke Studies Fogger for low cost solutions to provide airflow visualization in 2×4′ fume hoods, Bio-Safety Cabinets and Aseptic Isolators. Our foggers are priced according to fog volume produced. 

It does not make sense to buy a smoke generator unless you match the fog output to your smoke study requirements. If you do not know how much fog volume is needed for a smoke study, and if you have varying requirements for fog volume, consider the CRF6 or CRF4 Cleanroom Foggers. These foggers use ultrasonics to produce fog, thus have a simple set up sequence to conduct a smoke study. rflow distance provided. Use De-ionized water, Distilled water, WFI water or sterile water, or any pure pharmaceutical water. DI water foggers are more simple to operate but produce less fog and fog density than our ultrapure foggers. Our SMST-12 Cleanroom Fogger support airflow visualization and airflow recovery tests as defined by ISO 14644-3, B12. The CRF6 Cleanroom Fogger is ideal for airflow visualization in clean rooms, ISO suites, medical operating rooms and sterile rooms. Contact Applied Metrology LLC at TEL: 1-720-635-3931 or 1-303-999-6837.

AP35 Ultrapure Fogger provides 571ml fog density per minute, the highest fog density available of any fogger used around the world to visualize airflow turbulence, airflow patterns, direction and to locate dead airflow zones. The AP35 Ultrapure LN2 Fogger, CRF6 Cleanoom Fogger and SMST-12 Smoke Studies Fogger support ISO 14644-3, USP 797 Insitu Airflow Analysis, Federal Standards 209E and ISO 1446 for clean rooms; as well as USP 800 for Compound Pharmacy.

AP35 Ultrapure Cleanroom Fogger supports USP 797, ISO 14644-3, Annex B.7, Federal Standards 209E and ISO 1446 for airflow visualization studies.

The AP35 Ultrapure LN2 Fogger is designed with a 316L Stainless Steel body and enclosure and electro-polish finish. It provides 571 ml fog density per minute with an adjustable fog output from 2-5 cubic meters per minute for about 45 minutes operation with 10-15 feet of visible airflow for smoke studies and 3D airflow modeling. Ultrapure Foggers are used in smoke studies of ISO suites, sterile rooms and clean rooms that require higher volumes of fog, high fog density and long visual airflow distances. Also referred to as LN2 foggers and liquid nitrogen foggers, an ultrapure fogger can visualize airflow, turbulence, patterns, direction and to locate dead airflow zones in Class 1 to Class 100,000 clean rooms. The AP35 produces much more fog and fog density for 2X more visual airflow distance. If you requires more fog volume, consider the AP50, AP100 or AP150 Ultrapure Foggers.

SMST-12 DI Water Fogger, supporting ISO 14644-3, Annex B.12 Airflow Recovery Tests using 0.5 micron or 1 micron PSL Spheres

SMST-12 Smoke Studies Fogger
Smoke Studies

SMST-12 Cleanroom Fogger is primarily used in in smoke studies and air flow characterization of fume hoods; and can also be used in airflow recovery tests using 0.5 micron or 1 micron polystyrene latex spheres.  The SMST-12 portable cleanroom fogger provides 0.5 cubic feet of pure fog per minute for about 45 minutes with 6-7 feet of visual airflow distance. The fog is a constant volume output combined with the PSL Spheres. Using a laser particle counter, you can access how fast the PSL Spheres travel through the airflow and out to the exhaust. LOW COST, DI Water Fogger to visualize clean room airflow providing 0.5 cubic meters of pure fog for 50 minutes.

SMST-12 Operating Instructions
SMST-12 Side view

The AFM35 Smoke Studies Fogger is also marketed as the CRF4 Cleanroom Fogger, supporting airflow visualization studies in 2×10′ Airflow Hoods, BSC and Bio-Safety Cabinets, Barrier Isolators and medium-sized Glove Boxes.

The CRF4 portable fogger is designed with a 316L Stainless Steel body and enclosure and electro-polish finish. It provides 1.4 cubic meters of pure fog per minute with 187 ml of fog density per minute for about 45 minutes with 13-15 feet of visual airflow distance for use in smoke studies and airflow characterization tests of fume hoods and aseptic pharmacy isolators and small ISO-Suites. The AFM35 and CRF4 Cleanroom Fogger provides airflow velocity control, fog volume control and water level feedback via a LED display and touch pad control. The fog volume is constant at any of 4 levels of fog volume. Touch pad control is provided and a Remote Wireless Control is optionally available for operation behind a closed wall. The AFM35 and CRF4 are ideal to conduct airflow visualization studies and visualize airflow turbulence in the airflow.

CO2 Smoke Study Fogger

A CO2 Fogger is a very basic method to produce smoke in a smoke study. CO2 Ice and warm water are the essential components, but there is no way to control fog velocity, fog volume or direction of the fog. It does form a dense visible fog for a few minutes after the CO2 ice begins to evaporate, but the fog volume and density quickly decreases as the CO2 ice shrinks in size. The downside of a CO2 Fog is that it has no volume control or velocity control, and length of the fog duration is limited to the size of CO2 ice used. The fog is produced as the CO2 ice evaporates in warm water, combining CO2 vapor and water vapor together to form a dense fog, but as the CO2 ice evaporates to an ever smaller material in the water, the fog volume decreases proportionately to the reduced CO2 ice volume. The initial volume of fog is good, but as the CO2 ice evaporates, the fog volume decreases and the fog volume is not a constant volume of fog as a smoke study requires. Nor can it be controlled in velocity. CO2 Fog is a low cost method of fogging with a typical 5-10 minute operating cycle, depending on the CO2 ice volume and amount of warm water provided.

Portable Ultrasonic Foggers and LN2 Ultrapure Foggers

Type of portable fogger are provided, using a battery to provide power to produce a portable fog. The Portable DI Water Fogger uses deionized water or WFI water.

AP35 Ultrapure Fogger uses liquid nitrogen and Deionized Water, sterile water or WFI water, Water for Injection, to create the highest fog density for ultrapure fog to provide superb video and visualization of airflow patterns, direction, turbulence, dead zones and velocity. The AP35 produces up to 5 cubic meters of ultrapure fog per minute with 571 ml fog density to provide 12-15 feet of visual airflow for up to 50 minutes per cycle. We also provide the higher volume ultrapure foggers, AP50, AP100 and AP150. Each AP series ultrapure foggers provides velocity control, volume control and has optional wireless remote control.  No contamination is created in an ultrapure fog and no clean up is required after ultrapure fogging. The AP35, AP50, AP100 and AP150 are modular in design providing simple operation and maintenance for smoke studies guided by ISO 14644-3, Annex B.7 Airflow Direction Test and Visualization; USP 797 Insitu Airflow Analysis, and Semi-Standards Clean Room guidelines.

Our Cleanroom Foggers use only DI (de-ionized) Water, Sterile water or WFI (water for injection) water to produce from 0.7 to 2.0 cubic meters fog per minute, depending on which fogger you use in your smoke study. The AFM Cube, AFM24, AFM30, AFM35, AFM40 Cleanroom Foggers have an internal power supply, power cord for 110VAC or 220VAC, 80mm or 50mm fog hose, LED display, optional remote control using a Wireless Remote Control Fob. Operational control includes airflow velocity, fog volume control (by turning on additional transducers), and an LED display alerts to the LED display for water level feedback. Fog out put has ‘on demand’ fog control for about 40 minutes. No contamination of any kind is created and no clean up is required. Clean room airflow, turbulence, patterns and balance of airflow in smoke studies of Pharmaceutical ISO suites, sterile rooms and aseptic pharmacy isolators to support clean room guidelines: ISO 14644-3, Annex B.7 Airflow Direction Test and Visualization; USP 797 Insitu Airflow Analysis; and Semi-Standards Clean Room guidelines for airflow visualization and analysis.

SMST-12 Cleanroom Fogger is used in smoke studies using DI Water or WFI (water for injection) water to produce 0.5 cubic meters fog per minute for about 50 minutes with a fog density of 75 ml per minute, and provides about 6-7 feet of visual fog in the airflow. The SMST-12 has an internal universal power supply supporting 110VAC, 220VAC and 100VAC at 50 and 60 Hz. The power cable supplied supports the customers local voltage requirements. The fog outlet is 80mm wide and there are about 12 different fog accessories available for use in your smoke studies, including optional wireless remote FOB, 80mm fog rakes and 50mm fog wands, optional rolling carry & storage case. Fog output is ‘on demand’ using push button control or wireless control maximum fog cycle is about 50 minutes. Cold 40-45 F water can be refilled to the water fill line in less than 15 seconds and fog operation restarted. No contamination of any kind is created and no clean up is required. Clean room airflow, turbulence, patterns and balance of airflow in smoke studies of Pharmaceutical ISO suites, sterile rooms and barrier isolators to support clean room guidelines: ISO 14644-3, Annex B.7 Airflow Direction Test and Visualization; Annex B.12 Airflow Recovery Test; USP 797 Insitu Airflow Analysis; and Semi-Standards Clean Room guidelines for airflow visualization and analysis.

DI Water Fogger is common term for clean room foggers and smoke study visualization. It provides airflow visualization of turbulence and dead spots in clean rooms, sterile rooms and ISO suites. No contamination is created and no clean up afterwards is required. Distilled Water or Water for Injection (WFI) is converted to a pure fog vapor for about 50 minutes at 9cfm fog volume to support guidelines for ISO 14644-3, Annex B.12 Airflow Recovery Test using 0.5 micron PSL or 1 micron PSL spheres.